Medical Communication

July 2022: Meducom supports development of information cards for patients

By January 21, 2023 No Comments

When patients are diagnosed with cancer, they may be overwhelmed with questions. What is going to happen? What treatment will they receive? And what does the future hold for them? This often means that they struggle to find, understand and apply information about their health. Getting clear and understandable explanations is important for everyone facing something as profound as cancer.

Together with one of our clients and the Dutch Colorectal Cancer Foundation, Meducom has contributed to the development of so-called talking cards. Talking cards makes complex medical information about the disease, treatment and possible side effects more accessible to people with limited health literacy. They answer questions patients and their families may have in clear language and images. The talking cards recently won the ABC Trophy. The ABC Trophy is an initiative of the ABC Foundation, a Dutch non-profit organisation that is aiming to decrease the number of illiterate people in the Netherlands and is awarded annually to an organisation committed to simple and clear language. The cards can be downloaded from the website for hand-foot syndrome Currently, the cards are only available in Dutch.